Monday, May 7, 2012

Kozol: Points

Kozol - points

(105-6) -- correlation between scores, drop outs, and funding
high expectations - "they" do not provide students with what they need to succeed (whoever does funding) - government? - new york state government...some city, some state. property taxes.

working-class peoples' faults for not owning property
government: redistribution of taxes into education? at fault?

(115) - looking for a home - white and wealthy or black or white and poor - property-owning relation to education in the neighborhood (118) - district 10 ---

(94) - no point putting more money into poor districts - (99) - join the military - why fight? (100) - welfare hospital - no right to complain

(78) - no class distinction - competition - social construction over meaning of competition - usurping ownership and theory of equality - respect writers' ideas regardless of class background - collaborative learning: having an equalized conversation about each topic ---

the education system teaches students that they don't have value

(122) - busing students from a ghetto - south bronx - not prone to learn - it has to be the people that want to care - you have to want it for yourself - different mentalities

big themes: inequality, taxes and income, race/racism

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